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Student looking at a pipe in the H V A C lab

Courses Offered

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High schools and College Now courses

Student receiving advice in the Career Development Center

Resources for Teachers

Instructors, Counselors and Administrators

Info for high school partners

High school students can earn college credit before finishing high school through 赌钱app可以微信提现’s College Now program.

Enroll in College Now See the College Now Enrollment Guide

Why choose 赌钱app可以微信提现 for credit courses during high school?

College Now is the concurrent enrollment (or dual credit) program at Johnson County Community College. High school students who participate in the College Now program take high school courses that also bear college credit. According to the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP), concurrent enrollment students gain exposure to the academic challenges of college while in their supportive high school environment.

赌钱app可以微信提现’s College Now courses are a great way to get ahead and stay ahead — saving you time and money.

Many College Now students take core courses that fit into the Associate in Arts (AA) degree because the AA is designed for students who plan to eventually earn a bachelor’s degree from a 4-year college or university.

EXCEL IN CTE (formerly Senate Bill 155) – High school students who are interested in certain trades or technical fields aim to take Excel in CTE courses. CTE stands for Career and Technical Education. The passing of SB 155 by the Kansas State Senate ensured that Excel in CTE courses are free to high school students who meet 赌钱app可以微信提现 Kansas residency requirements for enrollment.

KBOR SEAMLESS TRANSFER - The state of Kansas has a designated system that allows courses to seamlessly transfer from one institution to another if an equivalent course is offered at the receiving institution. Courses that are part of the KBOR Systemwide Transfer (SWT) are indicated on each high school’s schedule. Find out more about transferring.

Did you know?

As a College Now student, you can access the same resources and amenities as any student on campus. Check out all 赌钱app可以微信提现 has to offer you, both now and after you graduate from high school:

Whom do I contact to start earning college credit with 赌钱app可以微信提现?

Your high school counselors are the most knowledgeable about 赌钱app可以微信提现’s College Now program and the courses being offered. Find out who you can talk to about the courses offered at your school.

See Class Schedules and Counselors

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